Thursday, April 30, 2009

look! (kara) {waco lifestyle photographer}

I had a great time with Kara's family walking the Baylor campus and discovering all kinds of things that I never existed. The kiddos were so fun, can't you just sense their personalities?

Friday, April 24, 2009

look! (becky) {waco family photographer}

oh man, this family was the cutest thing on the face of the planet. they looked like they were straight for the pages of a Ralph Lauren ad-- I loved it!!-- perfect coordinating outfits and the sweetest personalitites to match!
thanks for a great time, y'all!
sorry I kept you in suspense for so long:)

Monday, April 20, 2009

belly! {waco maternity photographer}

one of my very closest friends (since high school!!) is pregnant with her first baby, and is just crazy enough that she's not findong out the sex of her baby. i think i'm the one in the most suspense.
we had a blast shooting pictures in college station, and then we went shopping like all old girlfriends do. and to be honest, yes-- she looked THIS GOOD all day long. seriously though, she told me she's still sleeping like a rock at 34 weeks. Any mothers out there wanna strangle her? (i did).
i love you, doll.