Wednesday, May 27, 2009

look! (genni)

ah, this was SO MUCH FUN!! It was my first session at the beach, and we had a blast. My hubs came with me as my assistant for the day (wow, I need to get one of those!) and we got to spend a few hours with some old friends from houston and their gorgeous daughter, Grace.
Love you guys!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

look! (krissi) "her bethrothed" {waco family photographer}

you read it right. this sweet little blondie has been bethrothed to my daughter since she was in the womb. even now-- 2 years later-- "tommy t" (as jeremy and I lovingly call him and will even on their wedding day), and eleanor have similar mannerisms and personalities.
we have it all worked out... christmases, family vaca's, the works. now we just have to let nature work her magic. ;)

(If you didn't catch this earlier, we just REALLY love our really great friends krissi and matt who left us and moved to Houston, and this is our excuse to keep them around forever. we wont really make our kids get married. maybe.)
Love you guys!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

#2 {waco bridal photographer}

This weekend I gained my second sister-in-law in 2 weeks-- (gotta be a record)-- and I couldn't be happier. Stacey is so fun, and we had a great time with these portraits.
ah, brides. they're so pretty.

congrats to the newest Mr. & Mrs. Rhodes: may peace and love fill your home forever.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

dun-dun-da-dun.... {waco bridal photographer}

that was supposed to be the wedding march, in the off chance that you couldn't hear it as you read it. I have had a random influx of bridal portraits lately, and this is the first one I get to post (yay!!) because she got married this past weekend.
to my brother.
believe it... this little ball of gorgeousness is now my sister-in-law (wedding photos to come).